Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Akpabio opens flood of good tidings for Akwa Ibom with 9999 choir

God loves Akwa Ibom!  Amen!
A resounding response of Ameen which almost shook the Uyo Stadium to its foundation accompanied the affirmation of God’s love for  Akwa Ibom State by Bishop David  Oyedepo, shepherd of  the Living Faith Mission, who was  the guest pastor at this year’s  Akwa Ibom State Government 9999 Christmas  Carol night.
Bishop Oyedepo was in his ecclesiastical best. Decked in a sparkling white suit, radiant in his looks and brilliant in the delivery of what he does best, he said “I bring you good tidings according to the words of God.”
This is what Governor Godswill Akpabio has been organising  for his people  in the past four years, gathering them for praise worship in acknowledgement of the mercy  of the Lord on the state, the people and Nigerians in general, since 2008. It has featured renowned men of God like the Catholic Archbishop of Calabar, Archbishop Joseph Ekuwem; the General Overseer of Deeper Life Bible Church, Pastor William Kumuyi and Pastor Enoch Adeboye  of the Redeemed Christian Church of God.
To Governor Akpabio, leadership should be in totality. A leader must not only seek and make available the worldly desires of his people, but must and should strive hard not only to  boost their spiritual relationship with God but  lead them  in unison to  worship and praise Him.
Thus, this year’s  2013  9999 Christmas  Carol was packaged in reflection of its mission as the  praise and worship songs  delivered melodiously by both the local and international gospel singers sparked the  celestial spirits of the Akwa Ibomites  on Saturday  21 December, 2013  at the Uyo township  stadium  where  they all gathered in unison to appreciate their Creator for His blessings and mercy.
 The atmosphere was enveloped in the mood of the season. The Uyo stadium was bedecked and baked in refined splendour of Christmas decoration, making it a spectacle of excitement and glamour. Christmas symbols were seen everywhere. The uniqueness  of the carol was not only in its largest congregation of the carol singers in the world, but also in its being a uniting force  by the people of the multi-ethnic state to offer  sacrifice of praise  and  honour to God and, at the same time, have direct economic  advantages.
Indeed, all the sectors, especially the hospitality sector,  enjoyed  good patronage. This is buoyed by the great numbers of tourists, artistes  and  Akwa Ibomites in the Diaspora who trooped in to join the  annual  special praise festival.
 The festival has gained much recognition and acceptability, so well that it commanded distinguished Nigerians and personalities including past and serving  governors of the neighbouring states. They included Rev Jesse Jackson from America,  Mr Peter Obi, Governor,  Anambra State; Dr Orji Uzor Kalu, former  governor of  Abia State; Mr Victor Umeh, All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA)National  Chairman; Bishop David Oyedepo of the Living Faith Church International; Primate  Sunday Mbang;  Dr Ade Abolurin, Commandant General of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC); Mrs Sally Mbanefo,  Director General, Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC);  Mr Udom Ekpo Udom,  a retired  police chief and many others.
Apart from the melodious renditions of the 9999 singers, the Akwa Ibom  State choir, the visiting  National Choir of St  Kitts and  Nevis showcased classical acts of praising the Lord with songs and dances which angels in heaven will appreciate. There were also Akwa Ibom State indigenes in the entertainment industry, including Dr Goodie Goodie, Folake Umoren, as well as the  Ibom brass band, among others. The NSCDC and others gave  special Christmas carols while the likes  of  Lionel Peterson, Osinachi Kalu (Sinach), Frank Edwards, Freke Umoh , el Mavis,  Israel Houghton and others ministered  in songs  which pulled the distinguished guests off their seats to  “shake their body” in appreciation of the melody.
The  Chief  host,  Governor Akpabio ,  in a chat with journalists, said “My expectations in this year’s carol is  God’s blessing upon Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria and Africa. I believe strongly that this is the way Africa should behave. We should go back to the roots and worship our God.
“Once you have a solid foundation which is God—and God is love—and once you can show love to your neighbour, there will be no conflict in Africa. There will be  no vices such as kidnapping, armed robbery and other social vices. Once we show genuine love to our neighbours, automatically, all the crises we are seeing in Africa will come to an end. It is very important to love yourself and others.
For  me, Christmas is all about love, it is about the birth of Jesus Christ which is a great sign that God so loved the world that He sent His only Son to come and die for  the world. This  is the way we want to celebrate it and this is the way Africa should celebrate the foundations by God for us.”
Governor Akpabio, who took the only reading of the carol  from the book of Mathew  Chapter 1 verses 18 to 23, maintained that Akwa Ibom is a Gilgal of Africa. Gilgal was that place in the Bible where God commanded his prophets to gather all His people whenever there was trouble, “and then renew your covenant with me.’’ And truly when trouble came, they went to Gilgal  and renewed their covenant and God saved Israel.
“Today, I want to tell you that Akwa Ibom has become the Gilgal of our nation where every single organisation, including corporate organisations that want to make profit, come for a retreat. The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), the Muslims, NIREC and others, even the Nigerian Senate came to Akwa ibom for  a retreat. Unknown to us, God has picked our state as a citadel to reach out to the rest of Africa. We may not  yet be in  Jerusalem but we are getting there.
“ My message is that we are returning ourselves  to God, that the foundation of every good thing is God. The progress that we’ve been having is God, the foundation of  every good thing we are doing today is God and nothing  else. So, my people in the  Diaspora, I want to urge you to return to God  and once you do that, I can assure you that 2014 will bring development and  progress for  everybody, “ he concluded.
 Also the Akwa Ibom State Commissioner for Information, Mr. Aniekan Umanah, said  that  “9999  Christmas Carol Night has become a major tourist attraction to the  state. It is  also  serving  as an avenue for the promotion of spiritual growth, peaceful co-existence among ethnic, religious and cultural groups in an evening of praise; worship, love and unity. Apart from boosting the tourism potentialities of Akwa Ibom State, the Carol Night, which has maintained its unique theme and tradition, has evolved with new ideas and concepts on a yearly basis. The tourism potential of the carol has been enhanced by a rapidly growing international reputation and acceptance of the state.”
He revealed  that with a blend of unique vocal and digital renditions of a medley of lyrics as well as a repertoire of colourful visual decoration, dance, costumes and lighting, “the ambience in and around the event venue often engenders bliss and spiritual awakening.”
Senator Ita Solomon Enang, the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Rules and Business in a chat also said: “This is awesome, we are repeating the history that we’ve been making. This is one opportunity that we have in showing the entire world that tourism in Nigeria has moved from everywhere and is congregating in Akwa Ibom State under the leadership of Governor Akpabio. If you walk through all the state from Ikot Ekpene and some other communities in the state, what we  have in Uyo is what you see there.
“You don’t need to come to Uyo. Christmas is celebrated everywhere but the governor has said “today, let us all come together  in unity and sing to God in appreciation of what He has been doing for us since the beginning of this year, most importantly how He has been helping us in our state.”
John Etim, Commissioner for Works, said “What we are witnessing today is the result of the uncommon style of leadership of an uncommon transformation agent, which is His Excellency,  the governor of Akwa Ibom State,  Akpabio. Significantly, this is one unique event emphasising, first, the need for all of us in the state to jointly sing in appreciation of our Lord and Father and secondly to showcase to the world, the tourists  around, the stuff we were  made of in the  state. And if you go around, you will see the effect on the economy of the state, as all the hotels around have been booked, everybody is positively feeling the impact of this programme.”
Udom Ekpo Udom,  a former Deputy  Inspector General of Police, said “This is Christmas season and everybody is celebrating but here in my state, Akwa Ibom, my governor  takes the celebration in a special way. This is about the fourth time we are having this kind of ceremony created by Governor Akpabio  for people to rejoice and praise God. The significance is that it draws us closer to God because when you praise Him, you get something in return and part of what we get in return isthe uncommon transformation that has been in place by the Mr. Governor and his team. You can see the unprecedented changes that we are witnessing in his era. It is a sign that God accepts our  praises and hears our requests.”
The  Commandant  General of Nigerian Civil Defence Corps,  NSCDC, Dr Ade Abolurin, said: “This is a unique event and we thank God for his mercies. It is very excellent and that is why we are here. I notice that there is improvement in the organisation and  I believe it is as a result of answered prayers. When you praise God and give Him honour and glory, He will give you something good in return.”
Mrs Sally Mbanefo , the Chief Tourism Officer for the nation said “This is a wonderful  religious event packaged beautifully well to appreciate God  Almighty by Governor Akpabio and his team. The NTDC will take a prominent participation in the subsequent years. This is a pride to domestic tourism, a nice concept from Governor Akpabio.”
Bishop David Oyedepo, the guest preacher, spoke on the significance of Christmas, pointing out that  the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas brought us good news, hope,  joy and good tidings.Bishop Oyedepo harped  on the fact that the peace  of God can only be enjoyed  by those who love  God and keep his way: “A nation without the peace of God is in crisis and the only solution is  for such a nation to return to God, live in peace and seek peaceful relationship with everyone.”
 He,  however, urged Nigerians  to continue to pray for peace from  God for their  leaders and society at large so that they  can enjoy meaningful  development that could help all and sundry. Bishop Oyedepo, who cautioned against war and crisis in Africa said it was high time Africa  wore an  identity and Nigeria took its leading position in the world. He commended Governor Akpabio for packaging such a wonderful Christmas Choir Carol to thank and eulogize God almighty for doing so well for the state.
Bishop Oyedepo  declared that “ The Peace of the Lord be unto Governor Akpabio, his family, his team , the people and state of Akwa Ibom, Nigeria,  and the world, as you all shall be partakers of year 2014 in glory and abundance blessing of the Lord in Jesus name.”

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